Welcome to the SEAL Lab!
The studying emerging attitudes and learning (SEAL) lab at Saint Martin's University, directed by Dr. Coyle, focuses on researching aspects of human development, gender development and implications of gender roles on learning and cognition.

About SEAL Lab
In the SEAL Lab, we conduct research that applies developmental psychology to attitude formation and education. "Education," here, includes aspects of learning that extend outside the classroom. Within the family, in informal learning environments, and within peer groups, individuals learn perceptive skills and develop attitudes towards aspects of their environment.
During any given semester, a number of undergraduates make their home in the SEAL lab. The SEAL lab is located in the Old Main Building at the SMU Lacey campus.
Lab activities include data collection (with preschoolers through college students), data coding (i.e. paper and pencil spatial tasks; video recordings of parent-child interactions), and meetings to discuss current projects.
We invite parents and children from the community to participate in enjoyable and educational activities as well as college students within the Saint Martin's University graduate and undergraduate populations.